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Psalm 77:11-12 - "I will remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember Your ancient wonders. I will reflect on all You have done and meditate on Your actions."

As we step into this new year, let's practice the Yearly Examen. Reflect on the highs and lows of the past year. Rejoice in God's work, repent where needed, make requests, and renew your commitment to His purposes. Just as the Apostle Paul reviewed his life, may our Yearly Examen lead us to gratitude for God's grace and mercy.

Reflection Questions:
What were the high points and low moments of 2023 in your life?
How can you incorporate the Yearly Examen into your spiritual practice?

Lord, as we review the past year, may Your grace abound in our reflections. Guide us in rejoicing, repenting, requesting, and renewing our commitment to Your purposes. 

As I conclude this day in Your presence, I engage in the rhythms of examen, seeking Your guidance and grace.

Review: Thank You for the moments that shaped me today, both highs and lows. Open my eyes to the lessons and growth, and may Your faithfulness be evident in every season.

Rejoice: In the midst of challenges and victories, I rejoice in Your goodness and grace. My heart overflows with gratitude for Your steadfast love. As I step into a new year with intentions and inspections, help me carry the joy of Your presence.

Repent: Merciful God, I come before You with a repentant heart. For any shortcomings, temptations yielded to, or neglect of Your purposes, I seek Your forgiveness. Grant me strength to turn away from sin and embrace the refreshing grace found in Your presence.

Request: Lord, I lay my requests before You. Guide me, grant wisdom and discernment, and instill courage to align my actions with Your will. May my prayers be a continual conversation, shaping my intentions and goals.

Renew: Eternal God, as I conclude this day and anticipate the new, renew my mind and commitment. Release me from dwelling on past failures, and empower me with Your grace. Keep me steadfast and persistent as I seek to accomplish goals and live out my word for the year. Amen.