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Devotional Day 2: Reflecting on Wrong Actions

Welcome to Day 2 of our devotional series based on Wayfinding Episode 2 - Redirection. Today, let's reflect on times when we engage in wrong actions.

Acts 9:1 - "Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord."

Main Point:
Think about instances in your life where your actions may have been contrary to God's teachings. Saul's actions were harmful to the disciples. Consider how your actions may have affected others negatively.

Quote from the Sermon:
"Jesus redirects how Saul acts. It takes the rejection of our direction to have our eyes opened to Jesus' direction for us."

Devotional Reflection:
Reflect on Saul's actions and their impact. Consider times when your actions were not aligned with God's will. Take a moment to repent and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in redirecting your actions.

Read Acts 9:1 again. Pray for insight into areas of your life where you may be acting in ways contrary to Jesus' teachings. Seek His guidance to change those actions.

Closing Prayer:
Dear Lord, forgive us for actions that go against Your will. Redirect us, like Saul, from harmful behaviors. May our actions reflect the love and grace of Jesus. In His name, we pray. Amen.