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Welcome to the final day of our devotional series. Today, let's focus on the importance of reconciliation and restoration in our relationships, using Saul's journey as an example.



Acts 9:26 - "When he {Saul} arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to associate with the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, since they did not believe he was a disciple.'"


As we navigate our wayfinding journey, it's crucial to reconcile relationships we've hurt and remove ourselves from those hindering our new direction.


From the Sermon:

"The right relationships will have grace, faith and compassion. The wrong relationships will have grudges, fear and condemnation. Jesus desires to separate us from wrong relationships that we might see & surround ourselves with the right ones. "


Reflect on relationships you might need to reconcile and restore. Consider the importance of removing yourself from relationships hindering your wayfinding journey.


Scripture Meditation:

Read Acts 9:26 again and consider the how Saul had to reconciliation relationships in his life.


Reflection Questions:

Is there a relationship that is characterized by grudges, fear and condemnation that you need to separate yourself from?


Is there a damaged relationship, whether done by you or to you, that you need to bring grace, faith and compassion to in order to reconcile it?


Closing Prayer:

Dear Lord, grant us the strength to reconcile relationships we've hurt and the wisdom to remove ourselves from those hindering our journey with You. May our relationships be characterized by Your grace, faith, and compassion. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.