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The first commandment, "You shall have no other gods before Me," sets a clear boundary for our devotion: Yahweh Elohim demands exclusive worship. While ancient Israel struggled with pagan gods, today's idols might look different, yet they pose the same threat to our allegiance to God.

Modern idols could be anything that takes the place of God in our lives—wealth, status, pleasure, or even relationships. These can become 'elohim' that we serve, often unknowingly, as they demand our time, energy, and affection that only Yahweh deserves.

Let us examine our hearts and lives for any idols we've erected and tear them down, reaffirming our commitment to serve Yahweh Elohim alone.

Reflection Questions
What modern 'elohim' have you allowed to compete with your devotion to God?
How can you actively remove these idols from your life and reaffirm Yahweh as your one true God?

Closing Prayer
Lord Yahweh, You alone are worthy of our worship and devotion. Reveal to us any idols we have placed before You, and grant us the strength to remove them, that our worship may be pure and undivided. Amen.