Brief Overview: In this week's sermon, the focus was on Philippians 2:12-15, addressing the concept of working out salvation with fear and trembling. The pastor emphasized the distinction between working for salvation and working out salvation, highlighting the role of sanctification in the process. The sermon delved into the importance of understanding the Trinity's roles in our salvation, and how a renewed reverence for God contributes to personal and collective sanctification.

Opening Discussion: Share Takeaways: Begin by allowing each group member to share a specific takeaway from the sermon that impacted them. This could be a quote, a concept, or a realization.

Discussion Questions: Distinguishing “Working For” and "Working Out": How did the sermon clarify the difference between working for salvation and working out salvation? How does this distinction align with your understanding of grace and faith?

Role of the Trinity: Reflect on the roles of the Trinity in our salvation, as highlighted in 1 Peter 1:2. How does understanding the roles of God the Father, Holy Spirit, and Jesus impact your view of sanctification?

Read Philippians 2:12-13: Discuss the significance of working out salvation with fear and trembling. How does the fear and trembling contribute to sanctification, and how can this mindset transform our daily lives?

Connection to 1 Corinthians 10:1-6,12-13 & Galatians 5:16,19-24: Explore the correlation between fleshly temptation and the need for sanctification, as discussed in 1 Corinthians 10 and Galatians 5. How do these passages relate to the call for working out our salvation?

Promiscuous Grace: How prevalent do you think the concept of “promiscuous grace” is in our culture? In what ways does it challenge the call to work out our salvation, and how can we counteract it in our lives?

Fear & Trembling in Today's Culture: In a culture that often lacks reverence for God, how can we personally cultivate fear and trembling in our approach to salvation? What practical steps can we take to instill a sense of awe-inspired fear?

Personal Sanctification Goals: Encourage each group member to share one specific goal for personal sanctification based on the insights from the sermon. How can these goals be mutually supportive within the group?

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts open to the transformational power of Your Word. Thank you for the insights shared in the sermon on working out our salvation. As we discuss and reflect, guide us in applying these truths to our lives. Strengthen us in our commitment to sanctification and renew in us a reverence for You. May our actions reflect the working out of our salvation for Your glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.