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Discipleship comes at a cost. The apostles understood this deeply, identifying themselves as slaves to Christ as a testament to their total commitment and surrender to His lordship. This act of self-identification was not merely symbolic; it was a declaration of their willingness to forsake all for the sake of Christ.

The cost of discipleship is the relinquishment of our will, desires, and plans in favor of God's. It is a daily decision to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. This path is not easy, but it is the way to true life. As slaves to Christ, we find purpose, joy, and satisfaction that the world cannot offer.

Let us count the cost and joyfully accept the privilege of being called Christ's slaves. In doing so, we gain everything worth having—eternal life, peace, and a relationship with God Himself.

Luke 9:23 - "Then he said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'"

Dear Jesus, grant us the courage to fully embrace the cost of discipleship. As we surrender our lives to You, fill us with Your strength, joy, and peace. May we find in Your service the greatest reward. Amen.